
At-Risk Youth

Who are the at-risk youth? “You’ve heard the term “youth-at-risk”, but what does it mean? In the broadest sense, a youth-at-risk is a child or adolescent who faces extreme threats to a successful transition into adulthood. Characteristics of at-risk youth include truancy, lack of interest in academics, and disconnection from the school environment.  When at-risk and troubled youth can’t transfer successfully into adulthood, local communities and businesses suffer, costing both millions of dollars.”

Indiana ranked the third-highest of 30 states cited by the Kids Count in Indiana Data Book when it came to the percentage of high school students  (19.8 percent) who have contemplated suicide and second (17 percent) for those who have made a plan. The state ranked 10th when it came to those who made a suicide attempt. In 2015, 55 minors in Indiana committed suicide, compared with 52 the year before.

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